My Reflection upon Feedback and the Rubric Marking from my Peers.



Zac Gibson rubric markings for Bianca Brooks

Helen Baileys rubric markings for Bianca Brooks

This week all students had the opportunity to become a teacher, each student was required to mark and provide feedback to two peer blogs against a rubric provided. My first peer was Zac Gibson, I agreed with most of Zac’s feedback however, I questioned my academic integrity of my blog and understanding of the task. Zac’s feedback lead me to question what an academic blog looked like, is it in first or third person, and does it need to be referenced or just thoughts pondered during the weeks of learning?

From here, I questioned my tutor and made corrections to accommodate my blog to consist of both first and third person and also ensured all my blogs linked back to how each program could be used in a classroom. I also agreed with Zac regarding my sentence structure, academic writing for me is a weakness however, an example on how I could have improved a sentence would have deepened my knowledge on how to make these changes on my blog and in future academic writing.

My second peer was Helen Bailey, Helens comments were brief and regarded grammatical errors, leading me to revisit my blog to edit and adjust the errors I had found. However, once again an example may have guided my learning into an in-depth understanding of my errors.


Scratch (Week 6)


scratch 1


Reflection this week is about my experience using Scratch, a program which enabled me to create a moving animation. My experience with Scratch was to say the least, challenging. Scratch has its own language and functions that require training, experience and repetitive use to create intricate animations. I questioned the purpose of this program for educational uses and this led me to explore the Scratch website more deeply.

Firstly, Scratch has a tab called Scratch Ed which is designed to facilitate other educators with the program for its use in the classroom. It also provides forums for educators to collaborate and provides further information linking curriculum outcomes to the program.  Within the curriculum guide it states it is designed for‘ a teacher who wants to support students; development of computational thinking’ (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority 2013).To define ‘computational thinking’ , this is when a person utilises computer science skills to problem solve, this program will build skills needed for students to problem solve and conquer more elaborate or sophisticated higher order thinking skills.

Lastly, skills gained from Scratch can become a basis for programming and coding computers. Students today will experience different career paths to previous generations therefore, training students in different skills will provide them with the prior knowledge needed to pursue future careers in ICT. (Netzel 2103) believes by 2020 the role of computer programing is predicted to rise however, if classrooms are not catering to learn such skills students may become disadvantaged in future paths.

Please watch the video links for a deeper understanding


Australian Curriculum Assessment and reporting Authority, (2013). Educational services of Australia.

Netzel, N. (2013, Dec 18). Students get ahead of the game with computer coding. McClatchy – Tribune Business News Retrieved from


Power Point and Life-Long Learning (Week 8)




Reflection this week is about the program Power Point, I have used PowerPoint before therefore, I found this program easy to navigate and very similar to Prezi. It requires the user to import information, manipulate text and images creating visually appealing and engaging presentations for a topic. In contrast, a student may present ones own work via Power Point presentations, this will encourage ICT skills that will serve a student well in future programs, operating key functions and experience in presenting ones work professionally.

Furthermore, this program is not limited to one subject, due to the recent policy and curriculum changes there has become a push in ICT in all learning areas (Howell, 2012.pp.41). Power Point is a flexible program which can be utilised to present a topic in any of the key learning areas. Lastly, Power Point can play a vital role in ‘lifelong-learning’  ICT plays a vital role in today’s society trends of seeking information, communicating and collaborating. 85% of children in 2009 had report to use the internet entirely for educational purposes (, 2009).Digital devices and the internet have transformed lifestyles and learning styles, altering skills needed to become learners and employees (Karakas,2012)

Therefore, the role if a teacher is to enable students and provide learning environments to enhance skills necessary to become independent learners in a variety of digital devices, programs and applications. Computer/ digital devices will enable students to become seekers of information, e-learners, presenters and successful in careers and home-life styles.

For a deeper understanding please visit my links.


Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2009.

Howell, J. (2012). Teaching with ICT: Digital Pedagogies for Collaboration & Creativity: Oxford University Press.

Karakas, F., & Manisaligil, A. (2012). Reorienting self-directed learning for the creative digital era. European Journal of Training and Development, 36(7), 712-731. doi:




Advantange of the Gaming World (Week 7)





This week I explored the program  Sploder. This program allows the user to create a game, add background images, challenge and reward participants. On a personal level this program was challenging as I have minimal experience in the ‘world of gaming’ therefore, I found it difficult to make connections with the key functions and tools within this program. I felt I needed more assistance therefore, I asked for help from a Year 5 student who is experienced in online gaming and virtual worlds such as Minecraft. By setting a digital online gaming task for this student, he was motivated and he made authentic connections and showed genuine interest in the subject this supports the notion of Howell, (2012.pp12) technology can create engaging, motivating and exciting to a lesson.

I observed this student make connections between Minecraft and Sploder Piagets theory (Eggen & Kauchak, 2010) supports notion of assimilation upon skills learnt in previous experiences , enabling him to further understand the capabilities of Sploder. Howell (2012.pp147) refers to this as becoming ‘digital fluent’ or literate to technology thus creating “digital content creators and technological innovators” (Howell 2012) within a classroom/society. Programs such as Spolder in a classroom will aid in adapting students to progress in digital fluency and become a platform for future experiences.

A classroom environment may be based upon Lev Vygotsky theory grouping ‘technologically-aware’ students with less capable or under-confident students to scaffold a students learning this also additional support within the classroom and creates a functional learning environment. Please take time to visit  Our game. ……

Please visit these links.


Eggen,P.Kauchak,D. (2010) Educational Phycology windows on classrooms. Upper  Saddle River, NJ.

Howell, J. (2012). Teaching with ICT: Digital Pedagogies for Collaboration & Creativity: Oxford University Press.,. (2014). Sploder – Make your own Games Online – Arcade, Platformer, Space & Retro Games. Retrieved 2 May 2014, from

YouTube,. (2014). Lev Vygotsky Learning Theory examples. Retrieved 2 May 2014, from


Pinterest (week 5)



This week I will be reflecting upon the site Pinterest. Prior to enrolling into my unit of ICT, I would regularly visit Pinterest therefore, I possessed prior experience with the site and found it easy to navigate. I enjoyed the boards regarding craft activities and I would often choose a craft activity I could create with my daughters at home. Whilst exploring the weekly topics I have learnt teachers have an immense amount of resources at their fingertips via educational blogs and sites such as Pinterest becoming a platform for exchanging ideas. Howell (2012) refers to this as Computer-Supported collaborative learning (CSCL) underpinned by Vygotsky’s social learning theory.

Pinterest allows one to post comments, ask questions and learn about a specific topic by watching tutorial demonstrations or viewing visual aids. A teacher may choose to use these ideas and incorporate them into their own classrooms. (BBC Active 2010) suggests utilising Pinterest to view and attached educational video, store ideas for future lesson or for teachers to collaborate globally about techniques, learning styles, strategies and lesson plans.

(E Loop, D Media) suggest teachers working in collaboration builds higher success rates for the students as teachers have the opportunity to try authentic and fresh ideas with the latest links and resources to cater to the classrooms needs. Pinterest allows teachers to broaden their repertoire of ideas and forge new activities in a diverse classroom. An engaged learner is what all educators seek to foster, Pinterest can help achieve that.

Please visit My Pinterest board for pins I have found interesting and added to my page. I may use some of these ideas in my classroom or ask the students to seek ideas and add them to my board for our class to explore together.

References,. (2014). Using Pinterest for Education. Retrieved 13 May 2014, from

Everyday Life – Global Post,. (2014). The Advantages of Collaboration in Education. Retrieved 13 May 2014, from

Howell, J. (2012). Teaching with ICT: Digital Pedagogies for Collaboration & Creativity: Oxford University Press.,. (2014). Things to Know About Using Pinterest  | Learn how to get started!. Retrieved 2 May 2014, from


Digital Divide Infographic (Week 4)


Wordle: Digital Divide

Today I am reflecting upon the ‘digital divide’ via the means of a visual aid Infographic I created with the program Piktochart.  I found this program a challenge however, I found viewing peer’s infographics facilitated a visualised meaning to a complex topic for a deeper understanding. I myself may be a spatial Learner am very creative and made many connections to this topic. Within a classroom infographics may aid students who are visual (spatial) learners serving as an added means to understand a topic.

(L. K. Silverman, Ph.D., and Jeffrey N. Freed, M.A.T. 1991) have found “visual imagery” plays an important role in spatial learners, learners found to be failing may directly result in failure due to teachers strategies employed within classrooms. Piktochart can become an aid for a teacher to create an infographic for the students or a tool for student to create visual meaning to express ideas some students may have trouble in expressing in writing or orally.

Lastly, I would like to reflect upon the meaning ‘digital divide’ and how a school can become a facilitator of technology. Countries can be divided by wealth and socio-economic status; therefore, the instances of changing technologies, access to internet connections for individuals, schools, employers  and so forth can reflect and present as a ‘divide’ of the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’ (Howell, 2012). This is where it is proposed that a school provides a digital-expectancy; expecting the teacher to bridge the gap between what a families can provide in terms of digital literacy to enable student to exceed in future careers or learnings.

I encourage you to watch these videos about spatial learners.

Other important links.


Howell, J. (2012). Teaching with ICT: Digital Pedagogies for Collaboration & Creativity: Oxford University Press.

L. K. Silverman, Ph.D., and Jeffrey N. Freed, M.A.T. (1991),. (2014). The Visual Spatial Learner. Retrieved 12 May 2014, from



Reflection upon Digital Security and Cyber bullying. (Week 3)



My Reflection this week is about ‘Digital Security’ and the need for educators to create awareness and access resources to aid students in becoming safe global citizens. The need to address this topic within a classroom has become paramount, the rapid rate of internet access for children is becoming increasingly vast and the younger age of students accessing the internet has increased immensely. (, 2014) reports statistically 93% of children aged 5-15 accessed the internet within the year of 2013 alone.

Due to the expanding rate of technology and users within society (N.Willard 2007) urges the importance of educating students about internet etiquette and explicit standards expected from each global citizen. As educators, creating awareness about the importance of constantly interrogate and examine the type of information that is input into social networks, purchasing, passwords and becoming responsible users acquiring updated internet security software to minimise security breaches.

As a teacher it will become my responsibility to monitor internet usage, explore topics such as cyber bullying, social media hackers and fraudulent behaviour within a classroom environment. Furthermore, (N.Willard 2007) speaks out about the importance of parental supervision and awareness of internet usage. A teacher in collaboration with parents can provided support and resources available to aid a student in accessing various digital devices in a safe and appropriate manner. I have provided some links and a video that will aid in supporting, educating and create awareness for students/parents and Teachers. I hope you take some time to visit them. If your are a fan of Twitter please follow my post against cyberbullying in aim to create further awareness.

Stay Safe Online Australian Government Initiative Creating awareness about scamming, identity theft and cyber bullying, it outlines the legal legislations in place by the Australian Government.

Australian Federal Police It is recommended to report any suspicious activity you notice immediately.

Beyond Blue aids in solving and preventing such issues digital technologies have plat formed bullying into. This style of bully can invade people within their homes,create alliances among groups to target individuals that have no means to escape the 24hour online networks.

Norton Video outlining the benefit of Norton (a personal security system software package.)

A great video to show the class about hackers/identify theft.

A true story based upon a young student cyberbullied by her peers.


Nancy Willard, (2007) M.S., J.D. Educator’s Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use | Internet Safety Project Wiki. Retrieved 12 May 2014, from,. (2014). Statistics on online safety | Inform | NSPCC. Retrieved 12 May 2014, from



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